We made it!
Kaleb pumping gas. . .
. . .and Jakey pumping gas. I try to avoid filling my own tank as often as possible but in a few years, I'll never have to do it again!
Riding the trolly.
Kaleb the hamster!
Kaleb and Daddy
Kaleb on the giant turtle.
Jakey playing the giant piano.
Jakey tapping out some morse code. Kaleb did really well spelling his name!
The boys making some music on the "pipe organ".
Kaleb is ready to play drums for our worship team!
Kaleb in the "rain".
Jakey workin' hard at the construction site.
Jakob was quite enamored by all the PEZ dispensers.
Waiting in line for the carousel.
Jakob and Daddy on the carousel. Right after this picture, Jakob moved
to one of the cars because the horse scared him.
Kaleb on the carasol.
Kaleb and Daddy.
Kaleb looking through the giant kaleidoscope.
Daddy giving Jakob a boost so he can see that has "like twenty faces"!
We had a really fun day today! It is always so much fun to do something super spontaneous. After we spent the morning at the museum, we got some lunch and made it home by 2 o'clock, just in time for a nice afternoon nap. We love making these fun memories for our kids!